Interview on Northern Spirit Radio
A few weeks ago when I was at the Friends General Conference, an annual gathering of Quakers in North America, I sat for an interview for the Spirit in Action program on Northern Spirit Radio. Mark Helpsmeet, the interviewer, has a great vision to create programming about Quakerism for both Quakers and non-Quakers.In the interview I talk about my faith--my journey from Roman Catholic to Fundamentalist to Quaker, my ex-gay struggle and the role of Quakerism in my life today.
The piece starts with some music that you may or may not like. I reserve my comment on the music (it is just intro music)
You can listen to the interview here.
And to listen to post-Quaker Joe G. talk about nothing of real consequence, check out his podcast at his blog.
OMG, your description sounds like LIA was more of a cult prison. Um, did I hear "Jim Jones?" Of course my group at Central Church had similar explanations of root causes, but at least we didn't have to watch Rambo movies.
Oh, look, Peterson whores himself out yet again to the media. What a surprise!
Peterson is chomping at the bit to be interviewed on my podcast of no real consequence!
bored beyond belief
PS: I love you beyond belief
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