Thursday, July 26, 2007

Interview on Northern Spirit Radio

A few weeks ago when I was at the Friends General Conference, an annual gathering of Quakers in North America, I sat for an interview for the Spirit in Action program on Northern Spirit Radio. Mark Helpsmeet, the interviewer, has a great vision to create programming about Quakerism for both Quakers and non-Quakers.

In the interview I talk about my faith--my journey from Roman Catholic to Fundamentalist to Quaker, my ex-gay struggle and the role of Quakerism in my life today.

The piece starts with some music that you may or may not like. I reserve my comment on the music (it is just intro music)

You can listen to the interview here.

And to listen to post-Quaker Joe G. talk about nothing of real consequence, check out his podcast at his blog.

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At 11:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, your description sounds like LIA was more of a cult prison. Um, did I hear "Jim Jones?" Of course my group at Central Church had similar explanations of root causes, but at least we didn't have to watch Rambo movies.

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Joe G. said...

Oh, look, Peterson whores himself out yet again to the media. What a surprise!

Peterson is chomping at the bit to be interviewed on my podcast of no real consequence!


bored beyond belief

PS: I love you beyond belief


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